
First semester results / july-december 2021

The months of July through December, which comprise the first half of our fiscal year 2022, were full of challenges, but also of good results for Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua. We invite you to learn more about what we did. se

RASNIC gives recognition to Habitat

The Water and Sanitation Network (RASNIC) made up of 25 member organizations, including academia, non-governmental organizations (national and international), water and sanitation committees, as well as private companies and state institutions, presented an award to Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua, for their participation in the organization of the NICARAGUASAN Forum that takes place every year. In
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Virtual conversation on housing and climate action

In Observance of the UN’s World Habitat Day and Urban October, Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua held a Virtual Conversation on housing and climate action. The event, held via zoom, was moderated by the architect Verónica Mora, a renowned Nicaraguan professor. It featured presentations by Eng. Minor Rodríguez, Director of Gestionando Habitat (Managing Habitat) Costa Rica,
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Economic recovery: vulnerable groups

-Can someone tell me what the houses of the three little pigs were made of?-asked an architect from Habitat. “I can”-said 5-year-old Briston, as he hurriedly raised his hand and began to talk: the first one was made of straw, the second one of wood, and the third one of bricks.  Little Briston was with
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Through shelter, we empower Nicaraguan families. ¡Join us!