Why Habitat for Humanity?
- With over three decades of global work, our organization has served more than 500,000 low-income families with affordable housing solutions. More than 120,000 of those live in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Our innovative programs cover a variety of housing needs globally, from training in family finances, microcredit, construction and repair, education in healthy housing, ecological solutions and more.
- We mobilize annually more than 600 teams of international volunteers globally.
Partnering with Habitat provides businesses and foundations a specific project and visible corporate social responsibility. It is an opportunity to show that your institution aims higher, an opportunity to give back in the communities where it works, and see tangible results. We offer our partners an opportunity to make themselves visible to the public, and create a positive impact on the attitude of employees.
Some of our partner companies are:
- the Falcon
- Plycem
- Perdomo
- Ubuntu Foundation
Allied organizations:
- Habitar
- INPRHU Estelí
- Grupo Plasencia
- Fundación familias unidas y cooperativa salud para todos
- Water for People
- Empresa de servicios de saneamiento de Nicaragua(SESANIC)
Other contributors:
- American Nicaraguan School
- Universidad Centroamericana
- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Networks in which we participate:
- Red de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos
- Red de Agua y Saneamiento
- Red Humanitaria
- Red de Voluntariado
- Mesa Nacional de Gestión de Riesgo (MNGR)
Foundations, organizations and churches:
- Stewardship Foundation
- Thrivent Builds
- Fundación FEMSA
- Women Build
- Cars for Homes
- Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
- Greater Houston Community Foundation
- Vanguard Charitable Endowment
- Raymond James Charitable Foundation
- Jordan Lutheran Church
- First Presbyteran Church
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP-MGP & WPG
Institutions of the Central Government
- Instituto de la Vivienda Urbana y Rural (INVUR)
Government institutions at the local level:
- Alcaldía de San Rafael del Sur
- Alcaldía de San Rafael del Norte
- Alcaldía de Chinandega
- Alcaldía de San Juan de Limay
- Alcaldía de San Ramón
- Alcaldía de San Nicolás
- Alcaldía de Mozonte